Angel Guidance

Archangel-Gabriel-LeadershipArchangel Gabriel has come to remind you that you have the knowledge and power to do the things that you have been wanting to do. Your role of importance is worthy of acknowledgement by others. You have been having self-doubt about your capabilities. Know that you are well above the capacity and expectation of others. You are exceptional in all that you do! Now is the time to capture and seize the moment! It has been made available to you by the divine. You have all the tools that are needed to embrace this journey that lies ahead.  Use this time to love, guide, inspire, and teach those who fall into your path.

Archangel Gabriel name means ” God is My Strength” Take time to recognize your inner strength. Grab yourself a Citrine crystal to help you along the way as well as ask for Archangel Gabriel’s assistance.  A few things that Citrine helps  with are: Stimulating the mind (concentration and rejuvenates), promotes motivation, releases negative traits, depression, fears and phobias.  Citrine will also help to bring balance to emotions.

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